Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day Three: The Legend Of Champ Ferguson

The Facts
The First Battle of Saltville (1 October – 3 October 1864), was fought near the town of Saltville, Virginia, during the American Civil War. The battle was fought by both regular and homeguard Confederate units against regular Union troops, including one of the few black cavalry units, over an important saltworks in the town. The Union troops were led by Brig. Gen. Stephen G. Burbridge.

The battle was a Confederate victory, but it has become better known for a massacre that happened afterward. Irregular guerrilla forces under the notorious Champ Ferguson murdered captured and wounded white and black Union troops.Ferguson was tried after the war in Nashville, Tennessee, for these and other non-military killings, found guilty, and executed.

The Legends
Conflicting stories arise as to where, what and how many Ferguson murdered.

Some say he walked the battlefield murdering soldiers of the 5th United States Colored Cavalry and wounded white soldiers as well

Some say that he rode all the way from Saltville to Emory & Henry College where wounded were being treated and murdered soldiers there

Other still say he rode to the hospital, carried out several murders. Returned to Saltville, only to return the next day to Emory Hospital to murder one more soldier. Legends on the campus of Emory & Henry state that this second killing was his own brother, though no records can confirm this.

Which ever story you believe, it was proven that Ferguson committed murders after the Battle of Saltville and he was executed for his crime making him one of only two Confederates to be executed for war crimes after the Civil War.

More Information on Champ Ferguson


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